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The Department of Management offers curriculum leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Management.

In its aim of seeking excellence, the Department of Management prepares its students to meet the challenges of both the Turkish and the international market place. It promotes an interdisciplinary education, particularly among the administrative sciences, economics, and the social sciences.

With the growing global competition, managers must be knowledgeable, competitive, and innovative. Courses are offered in several fields emphasizing Turkey's place in the international market. Among them are international business management, international finance and international marketing.

The undergraduate program is geared to motivate students to develop as leaders in creating a better society in Turkey. The Department encourages a participative approach in which students and professors define the points at issue and through discussion resolve them together. It also urges students to broaden their skills and activities through extracurricular interests. The graduates have effective communication and interpersonal skills, a socially responsible attitude, an openness to change, and a flexible mind.

As Turkey looks forward to the challenges of the 21st century, graduates of the Department are being prepared to take their place in leading management positions. The programs of the Department are also designed to prepare students for further study at the graduate level.